How to track china shipping container?


Before 2016,China shipping line company was very famous in the industry of container shipping. Cosco and China shipping merged to form a new container transportation company in 2016.

COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as COSCO SHIPPING Lines) , affiliated with COSCO SHIPPING Group, is born with the integrated container businesses of CSCL and its predecessor COSCO , which has been up for business since Mar.1st, 2016.

So how to track china shipping line containers? This article will give you efficient but simple guidelines.

1 First we need to know China Shipping container track official website

Please visit new website using the following url:

You will be here as following:

2 Tracking your shipment status by Booking Number,B/L no or Container No.

First we need to find correct Booking Number, B/L number and Container No. The simple way is check these 3 items in your cosco master bill of lading. I put one cosco master bill of lading here to point them clearly.

So if we select “by Booking Number”, put booking number:6260798450


Click”Search”,It will show the following:



It is very clear  to see your container moving details.

Then if we select “by B/L Number”, put booking number:COSU6260798450

 and click”Search”,It will show”invalid b/l number”as following:

If we use 6260798450 in By B/L No.

It will also show the same results with by booking number:

So in this case, b/l number is same as booking number in cosco website.
Finally, we can track cosco shipment by Container no:

it will show as following:


using this way, just shows container movement, not show any ETA date and ATA date. 

Based on above information, we suggest you to choose track your cosco container by booking number(b/l number). It will show more useful information for you.

3 Not have cosco master bill of lading?

If you do not have master bill of lading of cosco lines, please contact your freight forwarder to get  your correct master bill of lading number or booking number to track your shipments.

4 conclusions

Now China shipping container is same as Cosco shipping container. To track this company container, need to get the correct booking number or b/l number(If using b/l number,please only put the 10 digits in search area.) or container number.Then you will get your shipment movement details timely.
